About Me

Sharon Jeong Ide can count on two hands the number of books she read as a child. 

Okay, perhaps that’s a bit of an exaggeration. But she truly didn’t discover reading for fun until her mid-20s. Thank you, audiobooks!

After a near decade of blogging about Christian Living and Theology, Sharon began publishing articles on faithful living for online and print publications. Her pieces have been featured on Risen Motherhood, Journey Women, Hosanna Revival, (in)courage, The Urban Christian Woman, and The Daily Grace Co.

She’s since sought to bring the Christian worldview into fiction stories that highlight the experiences of Korean and Korean diaspora women. 

Her short stories and poetry have been featured in the Calla Press online and print literary journals. 

Sharon Jeong Ide is a second generation Korean-American, born and raised in the SF Bay Area. She’s sinced hailed from San Diego, Louisville, Los Angeles, and the Greater Houston Area. 

Sharon is actively seeking literary representation and enjoys writing in the margins of homeschool and motherhood.